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IWI (Infinity Ward Image) File Format
Length | Position | Description
0x3 | 0x0 | Contains the text 'IWi' in ASCII form
0x1 | 0x3 | The version of the IWI 0x5 = COD2, 0x6 = COD4, 0xD = BO (I think), 0x8 = MW2/MW3
0x1 | 0x4 | Unknown, not sure.
0x1 | 0x5 | The flags of the data [If (flags & 0x3) == 0x3, this image has mipmaps]
0x1 | 0x6 | The usage flag. [0x0 = Color image, 0x1 = Skybox collection, 0x4 = Normal Map, 0x09 = Skybox collection (w/ alpha)
0x1 | 0x7 | Unknown, not sure.
0x2 | 0x8 | True format. [0x1 = ARGB8, 0x2 = RGB8, 0x3 = ARGB4, 0x4 = A8, 0x7 = JPG, 0xB = DXT1, 0xC = DXT3, 0xD = DXT5] // Credits to Denton Woods
0x2 | 0xA | The width of the image (in pixels)
0x2 | 0xC | The height of the image (in pixels)
0x2 | 0xE | Unknown, not sure.
0x4 | 0x10 | The file size of the of the file (including header)
0x4 | 0x14 | The offset to the texture
0x4 | 0x18 | Offset to the 1st mipmap
0x4 | 0x1B | Offset to the 2nd mipmap