File Type Reference


SQZ files are yet another archive format.

SQZ archives consist of one archive header and several file headers.  The archive header has the following format :

OFFSET              Count TYPE   Description
0000h                   5 char   ID='HLSQZ'
0005h                   1 char   Version in ASCII
0006h                   1 byte   OS byte,
                                  0 - PC-DOS / MS-DOS
                                  1 - OS/2
                                  2 - MVS
                                  3 - HPFS (OS/2)
                                  4 - Amiga
                                  5 - Macintosh
                                  6 - Unix
0007h                   1 byte   Misc. flags, bitmapped :
                                  0 - Intel byte order / Motorola byte order
                                  1 - Filetime in ?? / File time in DOS format
                                  2 - No security envelope / security envelope
                                3-7 - reserved
After the header and each block, there is one byte denoting the type/size of the next block :
OFFSET              Count TYPE   Description
0000h                   1 byte   Block/size specifier :
                                 0 - End of archive
                                 1 - Comment
                                 2 - Password
                                 3 - Security envelope
                              4-18 - reserved
                               >18 - normal file header,
                                     byte value is size of header
The normal file header then has the following format :
OFFSET              Count TYPE   Description
0000h                   1 byte   Checksum of header
0001h                   1 byte   Flags, bitmapped :
                                 0-3 : Compression method :
                                         0 -
                                         1 -
                                         2 -
                                         3 -
                                         4 -
                                   4 - Security envelope should follow
                                 5-7 - reserved
0002h                   1 dword  Compressed size of file
0006h                   1 dword  Original file size
000Ah                   1 dword  Date and time of file (see table 0009)
000Eh                   1 byte   File attributes
000Fh                   1 dword  CRC-32 of file
0013h                   ? char   Filename (see above for length)
The comment block :
OFFSET              Count TYPE   Description
0000h                   1 word   Size of uncompressed comment
0002h                   1 word   Size of compressed comment data
0004h                   1 byte   Flags, bitmapped, see above
0005h                   1 dword  CRC-32
0009h               "LEN" byte   Compressed comment data
The password block :
OFFSET              Count TYPE   Description
0000h                   1 word   Size of password block (=4)
0004h                   1 dword  CRC-32 of password
Other blocks :
OFFSET              Count TYPE   Description
0000h                   1 word   Size of this block
0002h               "LEN" byte   Block data